Tuesday, 8 March 2011


That is one scary water balloon!!!

Hey Guys,

Just a quick one as I have got to get back to lectures soon, just had my hair cut to work out DAM ITS COLD. I find it weird that I always find it sad when I have my hair cut as I do normally grow it quite long then once a year I chicken out and have it all cut off, might keep it short now though as in honesty i'm getting a bit old for the emo look lets be honest.

Remember if you don't give your opinion do you really have one?



  1. What you failed to put is that the water balloon is not really filled with water but with gasoline and there are open flames all around...

    I think I'd be a little worried too...

    As for your haircut, well, since you didn't post any before/after shots, we can't really share an opinion. However, as a woman's point of view, as women age, I think long hair needs to be replaced with a chic/professional dye/cut. Otherwise, it looks like you're trying to compete with those 10 years or so younger. For guys, depending on your line of business, if you're a construction worker you can rock the long hair a bit longer vs. a business professional.


  2. Yea true enough, I will try and post the before and afters when I have finished covering the Japan story. I would like to go into professional work so sadly the long hair had to go.
