Wednesday, 9 March 2011

If you can't see it you won't do it

Hey Guy's,

Well just read about the new government scheme of hiding cigarettes under the counter in a bid to reduce the amount of smokers from 21% down to 18.5%, now lets be honest I have been a smoker for 10 years. I really don't see how hiding them is going to make a huge difference, if you are going to the shop for smokes that is the reason you are there. When they are hidden that just mean's more pain for the shops to actually have to describe what is on offer, though I saw a comment off someone saying "well why don't they just stop making them". I can answer that quite easily....

1. they are worth a fortune in tax
2. many people would lose their jobs increasing the unemployment levels
3. there would be alot of people stressing out round the country as there nicotine levels drop

I am sure at some point it will happen and smoking will be banned in this country, it is just a matter of lowering the population of smokers to a low enough level that it wont be noticed. However as soon as they do we will all be charged more tax to pay for that drop, do consider that next time you look at one of us smokers in disgust WE ARE KEEPING YOUR TAX DOWN.

Thats just my thought of the day, remember if you don't share your opinion do you really have one?



  1. that's interesting.
    It's like a branch of the government want to be heros and due away with the "evil" cigarette, but the other half of the government wants all the tax $$ really, they just make it look like they are doing something to appease those figuring it will reduce purchases.

    Re: legality, I really don't think it will ever become illegal (in the USA anway), the cigarette companies are just too huge and everyone is in everyone's back pocket in politics, funding for political races and such. There will always be votes against so they can get their generous donations.

    have you watched that movie "Thank you for smoking?"


  2. I haven't actually watched it, but I do agree there is alot of back pocket politics even if they would never admit it.
