Saturday, 26 February 2011

Well more bullshit appears

Hey Guys,

Well I have been slow in posting once again, though now as part of my personal effectiveness I have to write a blog. Interesting not like I wasn't doing that before but o well now I really do need to do it, well work is offering me more hours however it would mean I would be working 6am - 10am then a few hours off before being back in for 6pm - 10pm and I have to decide whether to take it. Hard choice as it would mean I would pretty much be a shut it for the next year or so untill I have finished this course at least, what a pain it all is but having money to save would be nice and I wouldn't be spending my money on going out and getting drunk.....though I like going out and getting drunk.

Either way on to more news which I actually wrote a article on a while about for Rogue Tomato magazine, its about the false stuff they put on labels so that they can increase prices. Such as saying certain meets come from UK and that it is "organic", well looks like they have been caught out again with 18% of claims of local produce being fake. Another 14% being unverifiable which in my mind says that at least a large proportion of that number if not all is lies of local produce as well. Please someone explain why these companies are allowed to get away with this crap when obviously they are using the excuse of "local produce" to charge higher prices when they are totally full of crap.

Really just gets me angry.

Thats just my thought of the day


Link to article