Saturday, 4 December 2010


Bleh Once again Guys,

Odd experience last night when I was running a temperature so high when I went to the toilet it felt like my skin was actually on fire from cold, it is rare for me to get ill but what I do its normally a doozy. Still hoping to record a episode of Molac rant's tomorrow but we will have to see how it works out as I am still no well, even though I am still working that's because I still need money even if I am ill.

On my facebook this morning had a great one come up, some stupid woman in Kent rang 999 because someone had stolen her snow man from her front lawn. Now I don't know what to be more worried about the fact that she was that worried about a snow man she called the emergency service, or the fact she believed that that was the correct use of the emergency services.


I do suggest checking out the link as the actual call is very funny to listen to, but you have to worry about the general intelligence of England. If this is the kind of people our education system is actually putting out what future has the country got.

That's just my thought of the day.


Friday, 3 December 2010

Dead men tell no lies......or do they

Bleh Guys,

Well you can tell its winter as my brother has brought flu into the house hold and I am feeling awful, I am really sorry that there has not been a episode of Molac Rant's this week as I am just to under the weather to actually make one so I will try and make one Sunday.

Today ill as I am I have been reading about a clever plot which was hatching in WW2, where the British took a tramp who had died from taking rat poison and turned him into a famous officer which helped turn the war. The idea was they made everything for him from ID cards to letters from lovers and dumped him in the sea off Spain, with Spain being full of Nazi spies when the body washed up the Spanish checked through and gave the body a burial (with full military honours). Course with all the spies in Spain they got pictures of the documents that went to Hitler himself. It was at this point he moved a 90,000 strong force into Greece, though Greece wasn't the target Sicily was and it was taken with alot less casualties than expected.

What I am asking is would the government get away with this today, course not if the media found out they would rip them a new one. Even though this man had no family the whole human rights thing is so strong people would have to moan about it, though this man achieve so much after his death than he achieved when he was alive just by floating in the water.

That's just my thought of the day.


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Snow Snow every where but Korea's just aint watching!!

Hey Guys,

sorry I have been a bit lazy on this front but with work and uni work I have been swamped, well the snow is out and England as normal is just not coping very well. Many people didn't turn up to college because it was "to snowy" ok seriously grow some balls!. The fact that England cannot cope with snow just seems like a constant excuse every winter to just avoid any type of work and just sit on your ass.

Back to the north Korea front, I am aware I have been talking about it loads over the past week or so but I think it is a important subject. So the South Korea intelligence chief as said that North Korea is likely to attack again, he says this as they build up a much larger force on the island that the country's seems to be having there main disagreement over. At the same time they are still continuing with the US/South Korean gun show....whoops I mean military drills, is it just me that seems to get the idea that now they just seem to be taunting them. The drills were apparently set up before the bombardment actually happened, do I believe that well I am not sure however I bet it is in a much larger number if it was planned before the bombing.

With the current economic situation and china being a growing power in trade what will they do with the situation or is it believed that everything will just sizzle out, I am going to keep a close eye because lets me honest with America flexing muscles and North Korea being a fire cracker ready to explode I hope this will end calmly but there is no guarantees as of yet.

That's just my thought of the day


Sunday, 28 November 2010

China Calls for talks, Problems ahead?

bleh guy's,

well its Sunday and to no surprise I am hung over, finished work last night just to go out and get totally out of my tree though very much enjoyed myself and thank you to everyone that was out with me had a ace time.

So on the Korea front china has called for talks after America and South Korea were doing "Military Exercises" together, was it military exercises or was it flexing the muscles of there military to pretty much show north Korea if you start this we will finish it. Does America really want to get into another war, and why is China the one calling for talks surely America should have made that call to North Korea. Lets be honest for a second though China is a fast growing economy and in total honesty they really don't need any crap right now which is why I assume they have called for these talks, though China also does not want North Korea to be taken by America as it would mean they would have an American ally right on there door step.

More worrying is the question about North Korea's nuclear program and the question of do they have nuke missile capability, if they were to hit anywhere with a nuke it would be the end for that land e.g. South Korea. However if North Korea goes to war they must understand it will be the end of their regime as they cannot defeat such powerful forces without the backing of China and Russia which I just don't see it happening.

What's your opinion? Leave your comment in the comment section below or on Facebook

That's just my thought of the day
