Saturday, 17 December 2011


AHHHHHH I cannot win at the moment, anything I seem to say to women is wrong even if its a compliment. Now obviously I am being sexist here but what can I say if I wasn't wrong about everything it would be fine hehe, in other news the plans for x-mas special of life in the wu is coming together I am trying to expand the content with as you may have noticed my trails in the last one with sound effects.

Only problem is my lack of decent lighting, anyone want to lend me some studio lights ;).

Peace out fuckers!


Thursday, 15 December 2011

Health and Safety

Hey Guys,

I was watching the original transformers movie last night and it reminded me how different things are now, the flashing lights and gun from the movie would put any kid with epilepsy into a coma is they watched this movie. Though at the time if you watched anything from japan there was a decent chance you were going to end up a dribbling mess, health and safety has taken on so many stands over the years it hard to sneeze without a lawyer appearing and telling you that you are entitled to compensation.

Why is it everyone is following this sueing culture as it cannot be justice, all I can think is it is down to greed which is really sad. I really can't say I have taken any company to court over injury's received and this is mainly due to the fact I work for them, if a company goes bust because you sue if you even scratch your knee then you don't get any wages. The damage to the economy is massive as well, yes the legal firms are rolling in it but the other company's have to pay for that damage.

If you are seriously injured and its for a stupid reason then obviously you should get something, however if you are just doing it out of greed how many more pay checks should you expect?.

Think about it


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Life in the Wu - The EU

Will England leave the EU

Why hello there, I know it has been a while since I have blogged but I am trying to get back into many things. Today i'm here to talk to you about the current situation within the EU, with the new idea made up to save the Euro many people are obviously complaining about the decision made my cameron. Myself I do support not bailing out a currency that was doomed to fail from the beginning though obviously this is just my opinion.

What would happen if England was to leave the EU entirely, well nothing good that I can see. They would start charging us to trade with out biggest trading partners, we would lose the "support" of the EU countries. We could no longer dip into the EU funds to revamp cities such as the Liverpool project, we would no longer have any say with our neighbors and might be in a situation where we would cause eruptions in political problems.

Good things that could happen, we would no longer have to pay out to the EU so we would save millions. Possible new trade lines would be opened with countries that the EU frowns apon, and we might not have to go to war with any country that the EU decides is naughty.

What is going to happen? I cannot say however I do believe we should step back a bit from Europe but still keep them as very important trading partners.

Keep Britian British but don't killer our economy.

Remember if you have a opinion and you don't share it, do you really have an opinion.

Peace Out