Saturday, 11 December 2010

Royal car attacked & Student fee's going up

Nom nom noming guys,

just got a new rice cooker in the house and I just had sticky rice for breakfast, I love sticky rice so much I want to bloody marry it lol. Now yesterday the tuition fee's increase was passed and it is going to be alot more money to go to university, during the protests something horrible happened. The Prince of Wales and the dutchess of cornwall were attacked by the protestors, now I don't believe this was the fault of students as the problem is with these protests there are people in them who are just out there to cause trouble rather than being there to actually make a difference.

A Attack on members of the royal family is just plain unacceptable as was the attacks on the police, so much of it was out of hand just because people wanted to cause trouble and that really grinds my gears. If you are not there to make a positive difference then don't go as you actually damage the cause that the protest is all about, some people are saying that it wont make a difference with the higher fee's as the government are going to be paying more so it isn't actually helping the government at all. The main question is then why the hell are they doing it, is it just to raise the national debt once more, and the fact they are cutting the actual budgets for the schools im starting to think this is more about the fact they lied rather than any damage the cuts and increases will actually do.

The people spoke against the student fee's, and the students lost which is no surprise.

Thats just my thought of the day

Friday, 10 December 2010

World of Warcraft Cataclysm & gaming addictions

Why hello their,

Well it has been another busy week, I got out another episode of Molac Rant's on tuesday evening after work which I was happy about. However I understand I have been naughty on the blog front so I will have to try and make it up to you guys.

I noticed the latest world of warcraft expansion has been released cataclysm, currently im avoiding it like the plague. Not because it will be a bad game im pretty sure it will be amasing I am avoiding it due to the last time I played world of warcraft I lost large parts of my life due to the fact that I was playing that instead of everything else. I saw on the MSN news the other day they had put togther some of the biggest relationship ruining games, to no surprise world of warcraft was on there as well as games like call of duty. I just don't believe how much these games actually take over your life, last world of warcraft stunt I was actually coming home not even eating and going straight on the game, I was even thinking about it at work. I planned everything from tactics to armour sets while at work rather that concentrating on my actual work, however the game pushed me away eventually due to the amount of people moaning about armour numbers, why do people take games so seriously everything has to be perfect.

Well that's my thought of the day


Monday, 6 December 2010

The Facebook NSPCC Hoax + Hoax inside a Hoax

Hey guy's,

Now I am not the kind of guy to hold back my opinion as you well know, well this week I have been laughing my ass off at so many people that have fallen for the latest scam on facebook. Some random guy sent round to people saying if you change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon till "multiple dates have been released" then it will help the NSPCC to stop child cruelty, of course the charity wasn't involved and when the hoax started which was probably made with the best intentions the hoax inside a hoax started up with people saying it was started by paedophiles. I just don't understand why people have to be sheep, it annoys me that if one person does it everyone else has to when it has not only not helped the charity but with the other hoax crap has actually damaged the reputation of the charity.

All I ask is readers of my blog think before following one of these stupid fads, it may seem harmless but there are idiots out there that will use this to damage important things because it is funny for them, One picture someone did about it did make me laugh though.

Funny Stuff

It was a friend of mine that posted this on facebook while I was laughing at some other people that had taken part in this stupidity, this was excellent to prove my point. you have got to laugh at these people but be aware scam artists are everywhere and will use any opportunity.

BTW to stop scams sent me your bank details, it will help really! Also by sending them you will stop all child abuse, and rape, and many other pointless things.

Thats just my thought of the day.
