Hey Guy's,
I have been having some laptop issues so I have been a little behind on everything this week including posting, my laptop got to the stage where it was refusing to do pretty much anything so I have to completely clear it and start again.
Or so I thought....
Acer laptops have a system installed where if you just press delete while it loads up you can go to a menu, in this menu you have the ability to completely clear the windows and start it again without effecting your other files. You have got to love advances in programming when they write software which understands windows slowly falls apart over time, I don't blame windows for this as it has always been the same. Now it does remind me of the old days where you had to carry a whole pc and monitor over to your friends to play some games, when your computer got bad you had to grab a 98 floppy disk and a 98 install disk and say good bye to the next 6 hours of your life installing. Then of course after all those hours of arguing with a computer that cannot argue back you had to start looking for drivers, so in essence a computer clear could take anything up to a day just to do a reinstall.
These days it took a hour for a complete reinstall with all drivers in place and changing the system to my desktop preferences.
Does anyone miss the old days?
That's just my thought of the day, give your opinion on here or on FB. Remember if you don't share your opinion do you really have one?.