Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Snow Snow every where but Korea's just aint watching!!

Hey Guys,

sorry I have been a bit lazy on this front but with work and uni work I have been swamped, well the snow is out and England as normal is just not coping very well. Many people didn't turn up to college because it was "to snowy" ok seriously grow some balls!. The fact that England cannot cope with snow just seems like a constant excuse every winter to just avoid any type of work and just sit on your ass.

Back to the north Korea front, I am aware I have been talking about it loads over the past week or so but I think it is a important subject. So the South Korea intelligence chief as said that North Korea is likely to attack again, he says this as they build up a much larger force on the island that the country's seems to be having there main disagreement over. At the same time they are still continuing with the US/South Korean gun show....whoops I mean military drills, is it just me that seems to get the idea that now they just seem to be taunting them. The drills were apparently set up before the bombardment actually happened, do I believe that well I am not sure however I bet it is in a much larger number if it was planned before the bombing.

With the current economic situation and china being a growing power in trade what will they do with the situation or is it believed that everything will just sizzle out, I am going to keep a close eye because lets me honest with America flexing muscles and North Korea being a fire cracker ready to explode I hope this will end calmly but there is no guarantees as of yet.

That's just my thought of the day


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