Friday, 3 December 2010

Dead men tell no lies......or do they

Bleh Guys,

Well you can tell its winter as my brother has brought flu into the house hold and I am feeling awful, I am really sorry that there has not been a episode of Molac Rant's this week as I am just to under the weather to actually make one so I will try and make one Sunday.

Today ill as I am I have been reading about a clever plot which was hatching in WW2, where the British took a tramp who had died from taking rat poison and turned him into a famous officer which helped turn the war. The idea was they made everything for him from ID cards to letters from lovers and dumped him in the sea off Spain, with Spain being full of Nazi spies when the body washed up the Spanish checked through and gave the body a burial (with full military honours). Course with all the spies in Spain they got pictures of the documents that went to Hitler himself. It was at this point he moved a 90,000 strong force into Greece, though Greece wasn't the target Sicily was and it was taken with alot less casualties than expected.

What I am asking is would the government get away with this today, course not if the media found out they would rip them a new one. Even though this man had no family the whole human rights thing is so strong people would have to moan about it, though this man achieve so much after his death than he achieved when he was alive just by floating in the water.

That's just my thought of the day.


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