Saturday, 18 December 2010

The Euro Zone aint that happy now

Brrrrr Guy's,

Well it's snow time and im complete honesty I am not going out there till I really have to go out there, which will be about six o'clock when I have to be at work. As normal the british inability to deal with even the smallest amount of snow has turned the roads into a nightmare and all the idiots have blocked up the roads with their "important" journeys. If they don't know how to drive in snow why do they do it, because they are morons and that is just a fact of life their stupidity will continue on for ever as they obviously have no concept that some of us know how to drive in snow and actually need to get somewhere.

Sorry about the rant there but it really pisses me off when you see the lines of brand new BMW's Merc's and Jag's all in lines in all directions because they have skidded slightly so are all now travelling at 2mph to protect there pride and joy's.

On to the world news or today is more local the "Euro Zone" otherwise known as country's that have accepted the Euro as there currency, now I was always against the Euro in England due to the fact that it would mean we would not be in control of our money and our political stability would depend more on the other country's in the the zone. To my amusement England stayed out and over the last very years we have seen the Euro get weaker and weaker, with Greece and Ireland both falling very badly. However I was still worried that we would bail them out from England as we seem to bail out anyone with the sniffles never mind a economy collapse. Well according to the David Cameron that isn't going to happen, the European Union told him to make higher payments to help with the bail out and by the sound of it he put his middle finger in the air. Now it is said that only ones in the "Euro Zone" will do most of the bailing out, well that will teach them for not looking after there own currency and just changing to a central bank.

That's just my thought of the day.


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